Addiction Recovery Resources in Wilmington, Ohio
Drug and alcohol abuse is spreading rampantly across the United States everyday, effecting places that you would not expect. This page can help connect you to many of the programs, meetings, or treatment centers in Wilmington.
Table of Contents
Outpatient Facilities

BrightView is not your typical “drug rehab” program. In fact, if you visit our Wilmington, Ohio treatment center, you won’t hear the term “rehab program“ at all. That’s because BrightView is a comprehensive addiction treatment center.
Address: 485 W Main St, Wilmington, OH 45177
Hours: Mon–Fri 8am to 5pm, Sat 9am to 11am, Sun Closed
Phone: (866) 934-7450
Learn More: Website

Solutions CCRC
Solutions SSRC promotes wellness in mind, body and spirit through the provision of effective, affordable mental health and alcohol/drug services that promote recovery, overall health and a sense of belonging.
Address: 953 S South St, Wilmington, OH 45177
Phone: (937) 383-4441
Learn More: Website

Talbert House
Outpatient mental health and addiction treatment assessments for adolescents and adults are available on a walk-in and telehealth basis in Hamilton, Brown, Clinton and Warren Counties. No appointment is necessary during open access hours.
Address: 602 S South St, Wilmington, OH 45177
Hours: Mon–Fri 8:30am to 5pm
Phone: (937) 414-2016
Learn More: Website
Support Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Need help with a drinking problem? A.A. has a solution. That isn't an empty promise. A.A. has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years. A.A.'s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another. If your drinking is out of control, A.A. can help.
Learn More: Calendar

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
The primary purpose of NA is to build strong support groups and help members remain completely abstinent from drugs. The only requirement for members is the desire to stay clean. People with active addictions are also welcome to attend NA meetings.
Learn More: Calendar

The Hopeline
The HopeLine is a completely free service established to provide a safe place for those suffering with substance use disease and their loved ones to reach out for support and understanding. Our care coordinators can help you and your family navigate the complex and challenging system of substace abuse treatment. We provide hope – not blame or shame – and we can fight addiction together.
Hours: As scheduled, case by case
Phone: (513) 477-6694
Learn More: The Hopeline Website

You-Turn Recovery Docket
The docket provides defendants with an opportunity to avoid incarceration and address their substance dependency issues with support from the judge, probation officers, substance abuse counselors and other members of a specialized docket treatment team.
Address: 46 S South St, Wilmington, OH 45177
Hours: As scheduled
Phone: (937) 382-8686
Learn More: Facebook