“The Cycling Without Age program is gearing up for a full season of offering trail rides to people who aren’t able to bike or walk the trails themselves,” stated Bruce Saunders, President of the Clinton County Trails Coalition.
According to Bruce, the program has two trishaw bikes with six drivers prepared to take elderly or handicapped individuals for rides in the spring. Bruce stated, “The Cycling Without Age program offers elderly or disabled people the opportunity to get outdoors and experience the joy of riding through our natural environment on our recreational trails.” Wheelies on Mulberry trains the volunteer pilots for those rides, in addition to coordinating the free rides.
To “kick off” the season, Cycling Without Age plans to show a film at the Murphy Theatre on March 11th, 2025. According to Bruce, the film will explain the “Cycling Without Age worldwide movement” that began in 2012. After the film is shown, there will be a talk about Wilmington’s Cycling Without Age program.
Admission to the event is free. The doors for the event will open at 6 pm and the event begins at 7 pm. The two trishaw bicycles and six trishaw pilots will be present in the lobby of the theatre to answer questions about Wilmington’s chapter before and after the 30-minute film. The showing of the film was sponsored by the Wilmington Chapter of Cycling Without Age and the Clinton County Trails Coalition.
In addition to learning about the organization, individuals who attend the event will also learn how HealthFirst for Clinton County provided grant funding to the Clinton County Trails Coalition to purchase the first trishaw bike for the Wilmington chapter, as reported in the Wilmington News Journal. According to Wheelies on Mulberry, the second trishaw bike was purchased through grant funds from the Rails to Trails Conservancy.
To learn more about the event at the Murphy Theatre on March 11th, visit facebook.com/ClintonCountyTrailsCoalition.