WILMINGTON, Ohio—New Wilmington High School (WHS) graduate Brynnley Bryant was awarded the $500 Randall J. Harris Scholarship in graduation ceremonies this spring.
The Randall J. Harris Scholarship honors the memory of one of Wilmington’s own graduates. Harris, a 1971 graduate of WHS, was a staff sergeant for the United States Army, who was killed at the age of 34 in a non-hostile, peace-time incident in Honduras on June 13, 1987.
Harris was a military police guard patrolling the perimeter of the Palmerola Air Force Base when he was shot by a Honduran solider. The base was used to stage training exercises for about 1,200 U.S. regular, reserve and National Guard forces. Ironically, Harris was killed on the nine-year anniversary of beginning his military career at Fort McClellan, Ala.
Brynnley Bryant, an avid reader, compiled a 4.3 grade point average and was a member of the varsity volleyball team for four years. Her teachers and counselors said she was always personable and outgoing, very responsible and contributed positively to the school environment. She plans to attend Pace University in the fall, where she will also continue her volleyball career.
The Harris scholarship is awarded annually to a WHS senior whose qualifications include graduating in the upper third of the class; who shows positive attributes of leadership, service and character; and who may or may not demonstrate financial need.
Contributions to the fund can be made to the scholarship in care of the Clinton County Foundation, POB 831, Wilmington, Ohio 45177.
Press Release Submitted by Dana Dunn